Jewel Journal of Librarianship
ISSN Print:2141-3908; ISSN Online: 2736-0881
Tuesday, October 15, 2024
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The Jewel Journal of Librarianship is calling for submissions of manuscripts on empirical research. All manuscripts are to be submitted directly via the journal website. An author or a correspondent needs to REGISTER and LOGIN before submitting a manuscript. To login, click here

Authors can request a print version of the published journals.  To make a request, click here and login.

The Jewel Journal of Librarianship charges 5,000 (five thousand) naira for manuscript vetting, 15,000 (twenty thousand) naira for article publication, and 7,000 (sevent thousand) naira for the print version of the journal. The payment for vetting and publishing an article is collected during publication processes; the payment for the print version of a journal is facilitated through filling out an online form available after logging in.

All payments should be made through the following account:

Account Name: Nigerian Library Association (NLA) Gombe Branch
Account Number: 0044849174
Bank Name: Guarantee Trust Bank
Account Type: Current Account

NOTE that the delivery or mailing fee is at the expense of the author(s) making the request and will likely depend on the destination (state, country, or region) from Kano State or Gombe State. Evidence of Payment is needed when filling out the online request form for the print journal.

For further inquiries, contact:
Whatsapp enabled +234 9071712699  OR

Professor Jibril Alhassan Attahiru
University Librarian
Federal University of Kashere, Gombe State, Nigeria

Professor E. M. K. Dahwa
Department of Library and Information Science,
University of Maiduguri, 
Borno State.

Professor Manir Abdullahi Kamba
Department of Library and Information Science,
Bayero University, Knao
Kano State

Dr. Yakubu A. Liman
Library Department,
Federal College of Education, Gombe
Gombe State

Professor Samuel Arubam Amkpa
Department of Library and Information Science,
University of Maiduguri,
Borno State.

Professor A.A. Maidabino
Department of Library and Information Science,
Bayero University, Kano, 
Kano State.



Jewel Journal of Librarianship is a quarterly publication of the Nigerian Library Association, Gombe State Chapter. The journal is devoted to the dissemination of research findings and general knowledge in Library and Information Science, Archives, Records Management, and any related subjects.

The Editorial Board, therefore, advises interested contributors to submit articles for publication as follows:

  1. All articles submitted to the Jewel Journal of Librarianship must be original. If any of the material has been published or submitted elsewhere, this must be made clear to the Chief Editor in writing and should be resolved. All submissions should be made through the online submission system.
  2. The language of the articles should be only in English, we are not processing articles in any other languages.
  3. Articles should be submitted in MS-word. No other word processing applications are accepted.
  4. All submissions should be typed on A4 size pages with 1-inch margins on all sides and should not be more than 15 pages. Articles should be typed in font Times New Roman, with double line spacing. Following guidelines should be adopted.

For title: 14 points and Bold

Main headings: 12 points, Bold

Subheadings: 12 points, Bold Italic

Content of article: 12 points

Do not capitalize titles. But excluding articles (a, an and the) and prepositions, the fist letter of each word must be capitalized. Even though the first word of an article name is article or preposition, it must be capitalized. Eg. An Assessment of Security Measures of College of Agriculture Library: a Case Study.

Arrangement of the Text body

Frontpage: Title of article, authors' names, full information on authors' institutional affiliations including contact information (phone and email contacts mandatory).

An Abstract of about 200-250 words exactly conveys the content of the article. The abstract should specifically contain the background/importance of the study, objectives, methods used, key findings and major conclusions. The abstract should be self-contained and citation-free. Authors should include five keywords after the abstract.

Second page: Main content text with all tables and figures aligned in their location. The contents should follow the following format;

  1. Introduction: should cover the background of the study, rationale and objectives
  2. Literature Review (Optional): should be sufficient, well-argued and backed with current citations/references.
  3. Methodology: should clearly describe research methods and statistical techniques used
  4. Results: should be described with appropriate statistical techniques, tables and figures if needed.
  5. Discussion
  6. Conclusions
  7. Acknowledgements (optional, should be very concise)
  8. Appendixes (optional)
  9. References

Citations and references

Authors are required to pay special attention to the accuracy and correct presentation of references. All references must be arranged first alphabetically and then chronologically. References must be fully reflected using the current American Psychological Association (APA) Style (6th edition). The referencing shall be arranged alphabetically at the end of each article.

In-text references should be cited by giving the author's name and year of publication (McDonald, 1928). In the case of two authors, use it as (McDonald & Smith, 2011). In the case of three to five authors list all the authors in the signal phrase or in parentheses the first time you cite the source (Kernis, Cornell, Sun, Berry, & Harlow, 1993). In subsequent citations, only use the first author's last name followed by "et al." in the signal phrase or in parentheses (Kernis et al., 1993. For six or more authors, use the first author's name followed by et al. in the signal phrase or in parentheses. If the reference is provided from the same author (s) in the same year it must be identified by the letter “a”, “b”, “c”, etc which is placed after the publication year (Smith, 2000a). Groups of references should be listed first alphabetically, then chronologically. Examples: "as demonstrated (Allan, 1996a, 1996b, 1999; Allan & Jones, 1995).

Preparation of Reference list

Journal article: Alibali, M. W. (1999). How children change their minds: Strategy change can be gradual or abrupt. Developmental Psychology, 35, 127-145.

Book: Baxter, C. (1997). Race equality in health care and education. Philadelphia: Ballière Tindall.

Book chapter in an edited book: Haybron, D. M. (2008). Philosophy and the science of subjective well-being. In M. Eid & R. J. Larsen (Eds.), The science of subjective well-being (pp. 17-43). New York, NY: Guilford Press.

Conference Proceedings: Schnase, J. L., & Cunnius, E. L. (Eds.). (1995). Proceedings from CSCL '95: The First International Conference on Computer Support for Collaborative Learning. Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.

Web pages: U.S. Department of Justice. (2006, September 10). Trends in violent victimization by age, 1973-2005. Retrieved from

1. Language

The language of the manuscript must be English (either American or British standard, but not the mixture of both).

2. Length of paper

The length of the paper should not exceed 30 pages (Times New Roman, 12 Font) excluding tables, figures, references and appendices (if any). Paper containing more than 30 pages will be returned to the author(s) to abridge. Articles should be typed in double-space (including footnotes and references) on one side of the paper only (preferably A4) with wide margins. Authors are urged to write as concisely as possible, but not at the expense of clarity.

3. Title Page

The title page should include:
(i)The name(s) of the author(s) (ii) A concise and informative title (iii)The affiliation(s) and address (es) of the author(s) (iv)The e-mail address, telephone and fax numbers of the corresponding author

4. Abstract

Please provide an abstract of 150 to 200 words. The abstract should not contain any undefined abbreviations or unspecified references.

5. Keywords

Please provide 4 to 6 keywords which can be used for indexing purposes.

6. Acknowledgement

The author may use acknowledgement section in the title page of the paper (if any).

7. Subdivision of the article

Divide your article into clearly defined and numbered sections. Subsections should be numbered 1, 2. (then 1.1, 1.1.1, 1.1.2), 1.2, etc. The abstract is not included in section numbering.

8. Table and Figures

Present tables and figures within the article, not at the end of the article. Please note that the article will be published in black and white (print), although online version will contain the colorful figures (if any). However, the color print will be available in extreme cases as per the request of the author.

9. References

Author(s) should follow the latest edition of APA style in referencing. Please visit to learn more about APA style

Citations in the text

Please ensure that every reference cited in the text is also present in the reference list (and vice versa). Avoid citation in the abstract. Unpublished results and personal communications should not be in the reference list, but may be mentioned in the text. Citation of a reference as 'in press' implies that the item has been accepted for publication.

Reference List

References should be arranged first alphabetically and then further sorted chronologically if necessary.


Reference to a journal publication:

Van der Geer, J., Hanraads, J. A. J., & Lupton R. A. (2000). The art of writing a scientific article. Journal of Scientific Communications, 163, 51-59.

Reference to a book:

Strunk, W., Jr., & White, E. B. (1979). The elements of style. (3rd ed.). New York: Macmillan, (Chapter 4).

Reference to a chapter in an edited book:

Mettam, G. R., & Adams, L. B. (1994). How to prepare an electronic version of your article. In B. S. Jones, & R. Z. Smith (Eds.), Introduction to the electronic age (pp. 281-304). New York: E-Publishing Inc.

Reference to a web source:

Smith, Joe, (1999), One of Volvo's core values. [Online] Available: (July 7, 1999)


The Jewel Journal of Librarianship (JJOL) focuses on academic journals, publishing original research papers, survey reports and reviews covering opinions and ideas encompassing all fields or disciplines in librarianship. These include, but are not limited to:

  • Digital Libraries
  • Remote Access
  • Information explosion
  • Information literacy
  • Copyright
  • Intellectual property rights
  • Intellectual freedom
  • Library tools
  • Web 2.0
  • Information Retrieval/Search Strategy
  • ICT and Libraries
  • Information Seeking Behavior
  • Social Networking and Libraries
  • RFID
  • Biometrics Library Tools
  • Digital Library Tools
  • Digital Library for development and management
  • Knowledge Representation Issues
  • Knowledge Management and Storage
  • Digital Library Systems
  • DL services and applications
  • Technological Innovation and E-Publication
  • Security Surveillance, Magnetic Strips and RFID
  • Content Based Image Retrieval
  • Digital Library for standards and policy
  • Copyrights issues in digital environment
  • Digital Library for Open Sources
  • Digital preservation
  • Digital initiatives in India
  • Open Educational resources
  • E-books and E-journals Management
  • Technological Innovation and E-Publication


All rights reserved. ©:2015 to 2024 Jewel Journal of Librarianship | NLA Gombe Chapter AND Wavedone Digital Solutions Ltd.